If you choose to expand your study, you can use the following resources to complete the assignments for this section. You can purchase these books at the Countryside Bible Church bookstore. Many of these resources are avalable for purchase online in ebook format or hard copy.
The Canon (Part 1)
Tom Pennington |  September 11, 2016
Assignments and Resources Explained
- The Truth War - John MacArthur
- Sola Scriptura! - Various
Keyword definitions
- Memorization – Scripture Memory; Basic Bible Knowledge content
- Syllabus – online or at Information Center
- Flashcard app and card decks
- Optional online quizzes
The Canon (Part 2)
Tom Pennington |  September 18, 2016
- Read:Sola Scriptura! What Do We Mean By "Sola Scriptura"?
- Begin Reading: The Truth War - John MacArthur
- Key Words: The Apocrypha, canon, God-breathed, covenant
- Scripture Memory: Heb. 1:1-2
- Biblical Knowledge Content: Genesis
The Authority of Scripture
Tom Pennington |  September 25, 2016
- Read:Sola Scriptura! The Authority of Scripture
- Key Words: Inspiration, plenary inspiration, verbal inspiration
- Scripture Memory: 2 Tim 3:16-17
- Biblical Knowledge Content: Exodus-Leviticus
The Inerrancy, Preservation, and Translation of Scripture (Part 2)
Tom Pennington |  October 16, 2016
- Read: Sola Scriptura! The Establishment of Scripture
- Key Words: original autograph, formal equivalence, dynamic equivalence, paraphrase
- Scripture Memory: Psalm 119:160
- Biblical Knowledge Content: Deuteronomy
The Necessity of Scripture
Tom Pennington |  October 30, 2016
- Read: Sola Scriptura! Scripture and Tradition
- Complete Reading: The Truth War - John MacArthur
- Key Words: general revelation, natural revelation, special revelation
- Scripture Memory: Matt. 4:4
- Biblical Knowledge Content: 1 & 2 Samuel
Old Testament: The Pentateuch (Part 1)
Tom Pennington |  November 13, 2016
- CBC Distinctive: Creation
- Read: Sola Scriptura! The Transforming Power of Scripture
- Key Words: Pentateuch, Abrahamic covenant
- Scripture Memory: Gen 3:15
- Biblical Knowledge Content: 1 Kings – 2 Chronicles