Old Testament: The Exile and Return

  • Scripture Memory: Jeremiah 15:16
  • Biblical Knowledge Content: Nahum – Malachi

Quiz posted Monday, March 20th

Comprehensive Final Quiz (Genesis – Malachi) posted Monday, Mar 27

Old Testament: The Pentateuch (Part 1)

  • CBC Distinctive: Creation
  • Read: Sola Scriptura! The Transforming Power of Scripture
  • Key Words: Pentateuch, Abrahamic covenant
  • Scripture Memory: Gen 3:15
  • Biblical Knowledge Content: 1 Kings – 2 Chronicles

The Necessity of Scripture

  • Read: Sola Scriptura! Scripture and Tradition
  • Complete Reading: The Truth War – John MacArthur
  • Key Words: general revelation, natural revelation, special revelation
  • Scripture Memory: Matt. 4:4
  • Biblical Knowledge Content: 1 & 2 Samuel

Quiz posted Monday, October 31st

The Clarity of Scripture

  • Read: Sola Scriptura! The Sufficiency of the Written Word
  • Key Words: exegesis, hermeneutics, perspicuity, eisegesis
  • Scripture Memory: Psalm 119:129–130
  • Biblical Knowledge Content: Joshua – Ruth

The Authority of Scripture

  • Read:Sola Scriptura! The Authority of Scripture
  • Key Words: Inspiration, plenary inspiration, verbal inspiration
  • Scripture Memory: 2 Tim 3:16-17
  • Biblical Knowledge Content: Exodus-Leviticus

Quiz posted Monday, September 26th

The Canon (Part 2)

  • Read:Sola Scriptura! What Do We Mean By “Sola Scriptura”?
  • Begin Reading: The Truth War – John MacArthur
  • Key Words: The Apocrypha, canon, God-breathed, covenant
  • Scripture Memory: Heb. 1:1-2
  • Biblical Knowledge Content: Genesis

The Canon (Part 1)

Assignments and Resources Explained

  • The Truth War – John MacArthur
  • Sola Scriptura! – Various

Keyword definitions

  • Memorization – Scripture Memory; Basic Bible Knowledge content
  • Syllabus – online or at Information Center
  • Flashcard app and card decks
  • Optional online quizzes